Project Update – Week of January 30, 2023

Shell will perform work in Willow Street on Monday, January 30, 2023, to raise a manhole to be level with the road surface as part of the finishing work associated with connecting a temporary sanitary sewer line to the manhole during the week of January 23, 2023. The line installation was successfully completed. The upcoming work is not expected to impact traffic. East Rutherford Police will be onsite to assist with pedestrian safety. 

The work, which will be limited to the one day, will require owners of five parking spaces at the Willow Wood Square condominiums to relocate their cars during the daylight hours. Those owners have been notified with the assistance of the condominium management company. Work hours for the work will be 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Anticipated work: Week of January 30

  • Re-install a manhole opening to be level with the road surface of Willow Street.

Work completed: Week of January 23

  • Contractors for Shell installed a temporary sanitary sewer connection from the project site at 85 Willow Street to an existing manhole within Willow Street.
  • Willow Street was repaired and repaved where the sanitary sewer line was installed. 

Community Outreach

  • Provide information to Willow Wood Square condominiums and property owners directly impacted by the Willow Street work.
  • Shell remains committed to hosting an in-person Community Information Session. Notification of the date and venue will be provided to the Borough and neighbors 10-14 days in advance of the event.  

The community is encouraged to contact us with any questions or concerns about the project. Please call our Project Information Line: (201) 494-4886 or email us at

Until the project is scheduled to begin, updates will be provided on an as-needed basis. All updates are provided to the borough clerk and posted to the project website, 

Project Background

In early 2023, work to address onsite soils and conduct limited offsite soil investigation is expected to begin. In preparation for remediation, PSE&G removed a vacant building in December 2021. 

The project, from mobilization through restoration, is anticipated to take 3-4 months to complete. Of that time, remedial excavation work is expected to require approximately 6 weeks to complete. 

The purpose of the remediation is to remove and replace onsite impacted soils with clean fill between 1 and 12 feet below ground surface. Approximately 16,000 cubic yards of soil will be removed. Impacted soils will be transported offsite to a licensed facility for beneficial reuse.  To access these soils safely, some trees located in the neighboring properties and other vegetation will need to be removed, with the permission of the respective property owners. 

Following remediation, onsite areas will be backfilled to original grade.  Off-site areas impacted by the soil investigation will be restored to their original condition in coordination with property owners and in compliance with all applicable Borough of East Rutherford ordinances.

All work is being performed in accordance with the guidance and regulations of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), and under the oversight of the Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) of record. 

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