Equilon Enterprises LLC dba Shell Oil Products US (Shell) has completed major onsite excavation and backfilling as part of its remediation of soil impacted by its former operations at 85 Willow Street (Block 24.03, Lot 35) in East Rutherford.
The community is encouraged to contact us with any questions or concerns about the project. Please call our Project Information Line: (201) 494-4886 or email us at comments@willowstreetproject.com. Please check our project website www.willowstreetproject.com for updates and answers to frequently asked questions.
Anticipated work to be performed: January 15, 2024 through January 26, 2024
- No onsite work planned for the week of January 15, 2024.
- During the week of January 22, 2024, soil removal may take place in a 3 foot by 5 foot area identified after reviewing confirmatory soil samples. The work onsite would use an auger in a limited area to remove soil and replace it with certified clean fill and stone.
Work completed: Week of January 8, 2024
- Removed onsite drums for proper disposal that contained carbon filter material from the water treatment system.
- A rolloff container removed unneeded materials from the fence installation.
Community Outreach
- Issued 30th weekly project update to Borough of East Rutherford, county health officials, and nearby property owners.
- Provided weekly update to Beckmeyer Engineering to ensure an open line of communication with the Borough and coordinate, as necessary.
Project Background
In late June 2023, work began to prepare the property for remediation. Remediation work began in early July. In mid-October 2023, all onsite excavation and backfilling with certified clean fill was completed.
For restoration, onsite areas have been covered with stone to grade. Off-site areas impacted by the project will be restored to their original condition in coordination with property owners and in compliance with all applicable Borough of East Rutherford ordinances.
The purpose of the remediation was to remove and replace onsite impacted soils with clean fill between 1 and 13 feet below ground surface. Approximately 16,000 cubic yards of soil were removed. Impacted soil was transported offsite to a licensed facility for beneficial reuse. To access these soils safely, some trees located in the neighboring properties and other vegetation were removed with the permission of the respective property owners.
All work is being performed in accordance with the guidance and regulations of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), Bergen County and Borough of East Rutherford permit requirements, and under the oversight of the Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) of record.